What Should You Do on Laylat al-Qadr?

The Quran says that it was revealed on Laylat al-Qadr. What is Laylat al-Qadr? It is the Night of Destiny. We need to understand this. What is the meaning of Night of Destiny? This verse is addressing you, the individual, and not anything external. You are being addressed here so that you can give the response that is required of you on this Night. That is, God's decision. In this Night, God's decisions are made. 
                                        How will these decisions be made? The decision about you could be in the form of an illness, loss of wealth, or death of a loved one. There can be many such incidents that might happen with you. So, you must be ready to accept God's decisions for you. You should say: "O God, I am content with your decision about me." Such a person is defined as a 'soul at peace'.  In Surah al-Fajr, the Quran says a 'soul at peace' will find entry to Paradise. Who is a soul at peace? This is a person who accepts God's decisions about him. If God gives ease, one should accept that. If God puts one through a difficulty, one must accept that too. One should be ready to accept both affluence and poverty. Whatever situation arises, has come as God's decision. It does not come on its own. Nothing in this world happens on its own. This concept of Laylat al-Qadr mentioned in the Quran is a reminder for you: Whatever is happening in this world is God's decision. It does not happen randomly. 
                           What does this mean? Whatever is happening must be accepted as God's decision. This means that complaints, protest and anger are completely prohibited. If you react against a situation, then that is anger. If you become negative about a situation, it gives rise to malice, revenge, protest and complaints. Whom are you reacting against? You are reacting against God's decision. When everything is happening as a decision from God, you have no right to react. You can only give a positive response. This is the true meaning of Laylat al-Qadr. 

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